
128. Leading Remote Teams Through Challenging Times
How do we handle these difficult times in our world, our personal lives, and in our workplaces?
It is very likely that your life has shifted in the past weeks changing up your day-to-day practices. Many places are closing, events are canceled, and many people are working virtually. I personally had to cut an international work trip short due to this virus and am now working with employees virtually and working to make the best of the situation. How do we lead through these times? I’m sure many of you leaders have had a crisis before and it takes a lot of hard work to continue day-to-day operations while being cautious during this pandemic. So how can we continue to execute with our teams on a daily basis while segmented and sometimes remote? How can we best unify a workforce regardless of location? That is what I want to talk about today on the podcast. Let's talk about how we can lead remote teams through challenging times.